Monday, November 2, 2009

Trust His take on a matter

Follows is a renewed perspective on a famous passage of scripture:
Proverbs 3:5,6 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. (AMP)
Let's try to unpack this from a clean slate (as if we never heard this scripture before), so we can absorb it.

The context of "Trust in the Lord", given the rest of the passage, alludes to the fact that God has something to say about everything.  And so, when faced with a situation that requires you to make a choice (a decision) with respect to your interpretation, your thoughts, perspective and consequent actions, understand what God has to say on the matter (which will normally be counter-intuitive and different to your natural inclination), believe Him and obey Him.

This is where the directive comes in, because when what He says does not make sense and you cannot fathom what the outcome will be obeying Him or especially when listening to Him does not look like it's going to fix anything... He simply is saying: "Just trust me here (embracing what I'm saying completely, which is like letting go and just falling off a building--scary).  Just trust what I'm saying here.  Don't go with your natural understanding of the situation and with your inclinations (and I know it's tempting).  Just trust me here, though, and I will fix things.  Actually in every situation come hear what I'm saying about it and just trust me.  I'll fix it."

Easier said than done, but this is what He is saying.  We must not ignore the wisdom of the advice.